Ecopro Outdoor Solutions

So, last time you hired a professional tree removal company, and you were not satisfied with the work. And now again repeating the same process, you want to book a tree removal service provider. Wait! Not so fast! Any company out there looks good on paper and knowledgeable online. It is your duty to choose the reliable and trusted one among all. It’s better not to repeat the same mistakes again and again.

Therefore, to avoid previous mistakes, this blog is going to provide you with an ample set of questions. Ask these questions beforehand, to avoid wasting money and time.

Questions You Can Ask Your Tree Removal Service Provider

1. “Does Your Company Have A Certified Arborist?”

International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), says that a certified arborist is only the one to provide proper tree care service. Find an ISA certified tree care professional near your area. They are not only tree removal experts, rather can solve any issues regarding trees and plants.

2. “Can I See Your Proof of Insurance?”

Insurance is one of the main things to remember. A company with no insurance policy means no trusting them, at any cost. If they are not willing to show you, strike them off.
In your case, you may have didn’t do this at all, or might have not even thought about it. Therefore the damage caused by the tree in the working process was being paid for by you. Now, if you hire a tree removal service with a proper license and certificates; the company is liable to meet the extra costs.

3. “Can You Tell Me About the History of Your Company in The Tree Services Industry?”

When you are choosing a company, you must know how long the company is in business. The general estimate is to have at least more than 20+ years of experience. The more projects the professionals have dealt with, the more experienced a company has gathered.
The history of the company provides track records with clients and the longevity of the work performed. So, don’t hesitate or negotiate with your valid queries.

4. “Have Your Company Ever Worked in My Area or Its Surroundings?”

You must ask whether the company has worked in your area or your locality before. If yes, then you are lucky! Then the service providers are well accustomed to your surroundings. The job will be hassle-free and no need to direct the experts for any requirements.

5. “Is Your Company ISA Certified?”

All these technical terms and conditions are important to remember before hiring a tree removal service provider. A tree removal company must be licensed by the International Society of Arborists. The company moves according to the guidelines and laws with ISA. Any type of tree service near you, that has an ISA member on its personnel, is the most trusted and reliable.

6. “How Do You Handle These Issues?”

You might have a damaged tree or branches on your property that needs to be removed immediately. But, if a company focuses more on cutting down the trees or branches without examining your property, a mishap can happen anytime. Every step should be followed tactically, to avoid uncertain mistakes.

7. “How Long Will It Take in The Process of Tree Removal?”

After any storm or rain uprooted trees or broken limbs of trees may lie here and there, which needs to be quickly removed from the property. And, after hiring the tree removal service company the job should not take long to finish. At least 3-4 days.

8. “Do Your Company Provides an Emergency Tree Removal Service?”

Suppose for right now, you have hired a particular company. But in the future, you can be in need to hire the tree service providers again for an emergency tree removal. Every company may not provide this crucial service on it’s terms, so it’s wise to select a team that provides the facility of emergency tree removal.

9. “What Equipment Are You Going to Use?”

To avoid the mistakes of last time, ask the team members what equipment will be used to remove your trees. Old, technically poor equipment and tools are of no use.

Hope you have understood how to avoid previous mistakes. Now, the hiring of tree removal service providers will be easy and cost-efficient. Best of luck!